Working with some PID Providers

Working with DataCite

DataCite is a leading global non-profit organisation that provides persistent identifiers (DOIs) for research data and other non-traditional research outputs. Their goal is to help the research community locate, identify, and cite research with confidence.

DataCite works on several fronts to achieve this goal. They support the creation and allocation of DOIs and accompanying metadata, provide services that support the enhanced search and discovery of research content, and promote data citation and advocacy through community-building efforts.

Libraries and repositories interested in registering DOIs for their content and using DataCite services can become DataCite members. If you have any questions about DataCite membership of the use of DataCite services, please contact

Working with ORCID

ORCID is a global not-for-profit membership organisation that provides unique persistent identifiers (ORCID iDs) for researchers, which they can connect with their professional affiliations and contributions. Registration is free, and researchers are in control of the information that is connected with their iD, including choosing who has access to their ORCID record and what information they share publicly or just with trusted parties (ORCID members), or keep completely private. Research organisations can support ORCID’s vision by becoming a member, which provides access to the member API for registration, authentication, and information exchange with ORCID records. For example you can extract information from ORCID and use it to populate an institutional repository, or update your researchers’ ORCID records with information about their affiliation with your organization.

Full details about membership are available here and here is an example workflow for a repository integrating with ORCID, and for a research institution adding affiliations to ORCID records, for example, via a CRIS or HR system

Even if you are not an ORCID member they have many outreach resources available which can be used to engage researchers, and you can also use their public API for a more limited set of interactions with your researchers.

Working with Crossref

Crossref is a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) Registration Agency, launched in 2000 as a not-for-profit association. It is a cooperative effort among publishers to enable persistent linking of citations. Crossref offers a number of services to ensure that scholarly research metadata is registered, linked and distributed. Metadata of content registered with Crossref is processed so that connections can be made between publications, people, organisations, and other associated outputs. The metadata is preserved and made available across a range of interfaces and formats so that the community can use it an build tools with it. Crossref supports a number of services to register, link and deliver metadata of scholarly content. The membership of Crossref consists of a global network of over 12.000 members from 118 countries. It is open to organizations that publish professional and scholarly materials and content. Membership of Crossref concerns an annual fixed fee based and a fee per content record. See: and for more information.