From @vasilyb on Tue Aug 14 2018 09:40:29 GMT+0000 (UTC)
As a funder, I want to track down the outcomes and beneficiaries of PhD studentship awards that I granted. There are many possible questions to be answered (with the help of PID graph):
- whether the PhD studentship actually ended in thesis, how to find and how to cite this thesis,
- what organizations benefited from PhD during or soon after the PhD research period, e.g. by hiring the PhD that I sponsored,
- who co-funded or otherwise supported the PhD research,
- what artefacts (papers, data, software, samples, instruments, …) can be identified that either contributed to the PhD research or are the PhD research outcomes.
This issue is related to #35 and in part to #68 (as facilities are frequent supporters of PhDs).
Copied from original issue: