Survey on Implementation stories related to the PID Graph notebooks

Hi everyone,

FAIRsFAIR is interested to learn about implementation stories related to the PID Graph. In particular, we would like to follow up the use of Jupyter notebooks that have been developed in the FREYA project to query the DataCite GraphQL API.

The notebooks which are available in this GitHub repository as well as on were created to extract information from the PID Graph based on 10 different use cases.

The FAIRsFAIR project would like to follow up the use of the notebooks and investigate implementation stories related to the PID Graph.

In particular, we would like to gather feedback from the community on how the notebooks have been used and what kinds of use cases researchers would like to investigate. We very much appreciate your input and you can help us by filling out this short survey. The survey will be open until July 22nd.

You can also read the news item about this survey here.

Just a reminder that you can still fill out our survey - even if you haven’t used the notebooks yet, we are very happy with feedback! Thank you all :slight_smile:

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There appeared to be an issue with some of the questions not being properly displayed which has now been solved. You are still invited to provide feedback to us until the 22nd of July.