I’m the current maintainer of the R client for DataCite APIs - GitHub - ropensci/rdatacite: Wrapper to DataCite metadata - It’s an rOpenSci package.
I can no longer maintain the client, so am seeking a new maintainer. Even if you only know a little bit of R this might be a good opportunity.
I’m willing to help a little bit in the transition (including a brief call to get your oriented), but can’t help moving forward.
Happy to answer any questions here or you can DM me at https://twitter.com/sckottie
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Thanks Scott I’m tagging @mhfenner and @DataCite_admin here for info
Thanks @alicemeadows - I’ve already talked with Martin and DataCite and they suggested I go here 
haha - thanks and sorry, didn’t realize!
Hi @sckott - I’d be interested to have a chat about this - might be a nice opportunity to expand my R comfort zone and paying forward. I sure appreciate all your work in developing and maintaining so many useful packages! Also sent you a DM to discuss further.
@bmkramer Great! Okay, i’ll follow up on twitter