ROR Schema Changes Call March 16 and other ROR events

:lion: Here are some key ROR events coming up this week and later this month.

At the ROR Schema Changes call on March 16th at 2pm UTC we’ll present the results of the recent feedback round on proposed changes to ROR’s metadata schema and give you a chance to discuss what we’re planning for version 2.0 of the ROR metadata schema.

At the ROR Community call on March 28th at 3pm UTC we’ll give you an update on what we’ve been doing since January and will let you hear from at least one ROR adopter.

We’re also initiating a new, informal series of ROR Open Hours on the first Wednesdays and second Thursdays of every month where you can drop in and ask me anything you like about ROR. The next ones will be Wednesday, April 5th at 8pm UTC and Thursday, April 13 at 2pm UTC.

Register for any or all of these events on the ROR Events page.