ROR data in Postgres

We are starting to investigate the ROR dataset, with a view to integrating it with our ECRIN metadata repository system for clinical research. Our data includes academic, healthcare, commercial and governmental organisations acting as sponsors and funders for clinical research studies, publishers and managers of data objects, and as listed within the affiliations of individuals.
(Info on ECRIN can be found at Facilitating European Clinical Research | ECRIN, on the metadata repository at ECRIN-MDR Wiki (, while the portal itself, under development, is at ECRIN | MetaData Repository Web portal (
The process will likely take a few months, but the first step has been to download the ROR data and put it into a database so that we can examine the data in more detail (so this post may be 1 of n). If anyone is interested, the code for doing that is at

ecrin-github/ror_data: Downloads ROR dataset and loads to Postgres tables

It is a small .net core C# console app that splits the data and stores it in PostgreSQL tables – further information is in the README file. It works with the current ROR dataset – with the added relationship and location data. I hope it is useful for others. Also happy to share thoughts with anyone else doing similar work.

Thanks for sharing this @stevecanham , and looking forward to more updates on your work! (both successes and challenges) We’re working on a documentation site, and I’m planning to include a list of code examples, so will keep this in mind.

We will also be talking a bit about automated import/syncing at the next ROR Adoption Working group meeting May 12, featuring some similar work in Java by ORCID. This is a group of folks actively working on ROR integrations that meets approx bi-monthly. Please message me with your email address if you’d like to be added to the invite.


Hi Liz

Many apologies for taking so long to reply – I plead the usual excuse of pressure of work. I would certainly like to be involved in the ROR Adoption Working group meeting May 12 if possible. I can be reached at this address ( I will also continue to post brief updates and queries on our own ROR integration efforts, as and when time allows!



No worries, I’ve added you to the invite for next week’s meeting, and to the list for future adoption working group meeting invites.