Registered or findable DOIs for users' individually created data collections


One of our members is about to set up a weather data repository and they are planning to let users upon registration create individual dataset collections based on their preferred search parameters (collection date, collection site etc.). The user may then let a DOI be created on demand for their individually created/downloaded data collection. Naturally, the datasets are evolving constantly, thus, hardly any data collection will ever look the same at any given time.

My question is, whether it might be more sensible to select a “registered” state for these individually created collections instead of making them “findable” for everyone on the web.

Any opinions on this?

@dnoesgaard, DataCite mentioned you have a similar use case in place at GBIF with the “occurence downloads”? Were there any considerations concerning this aspect prior to your implementation? Would be greatful to hear your thoughts on this - thanks.

Happy holidays everyone,
kind regards,

I would still go with the “findable” state in this case. Registered is more intended for DOIs that are no longer active, for example when an item is retracted. In this situation, it sounds like the DOI is intended to be used and cited, and the underlying data will continue to exist (although the collection is evolving).

I’d also recommend checking out the RDA recommendation: Identification of Reproducible Subsets for Data Citation, Sharing and Re-Use, in particular R8 on assigning a query PID (you’ll want to ensure duplicate queries aren’t assigned duplicate DOIs).

Interested in hearing how others have handled similar use cases as well!

Thank you very much for this valuable input and your thoughts on this @KellyStathis; highly appreciated!

Hi Elise,

Happy New Year! I agree with @KellyStathis on using “Findable”.

The only other thing that comes to mind is making sure you are mapping links between the collections and the underlying/parent datasets so that these are available in the DOI metadata (as relatedIdentifiers).


Hi Daniel,

Many thanks for these valuable considerations! The relatedIdentifiers are surely very useful.

All the best for 2023!

Kind regards,