RDA - United States and NISO Announce Collaboration on US National PID Strategy

The Research Data Alliance-United States (RDA-US) and the National Information Standards Organization (NISO) announced today their intent to collaborate in the development of an ANSI/NISO standard for a US national Persistent Identifier (PID) strategy. The RDA-US office will provide expertise on the benefits of PIDs and shared PID systems while also sharing insights on strategies for implementing PID infrastructure within the broader data community. It will also support further engagement by RDA-US members in the NISO Working Group’s ongoing projects, initiatives, and events to ensure diversity and balance stakeholder engagement. NISO will administer the Group’s operations and liaise with all members, including representatives and individuals within the RDA-US community.

You can read more about the two organizations and their joint effort in our press release.


Mary Beth