Power of PIDs Lighting Talk

Yesterday I gave a two minute lightning talk at Carpentry Connect in Manchester about FREYA raising awareness of FREYA but also so that the Carpentries community can share the benefits of PIDs to those to whom they teach software and data skills. It would be great to hear if and when you all do similar things for your communities and domains - please reply to let us know!

Speaking from the library and information science, two weeks ago we did an activity during the Library Carpentries workshop at the TU Wien Bibliothek to retrieved metadata of a set of DOIs from Crossref API using Python.
I consider librarians and information scientists working with academic (meta)data should think of introducing Python and R in their daily work.


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That sounds really interesting Paloma! Great to hear about the Carpentries community in action and using PIDs too. :slight_smile:

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