NISO Plus Forum on metadata

Hi everyone, if you’re anywhere near Washington, DC (or will be the week of September 19) we’d love you to join us for the first NISO Plus Forum, which will focus on Metadata: Exchange, Structures, and Identifiers - perfect for PID Forum people! It’s our first in-person event since early 2020 and we want to make the most of being together, so much of the day will be very interactive and activities-focused - we’re working with facilitator Jonathan Clark of the DOI Foundation. We’ll also be hearing from three researchers with an interest in metadata - @AnaHeredia1 (former eco-ethologist, turned PID enthusiast!), Kathryn Kaiser (University of Alabama School of Public Health and keynote speaker at PIDapalooza 2019), Dr. Diana Marsh (University of Maryland iSchool). There’s more information on the NISO Plus website - we very much hope to see some of you there!


Goal: To identify two or three vital areas in need of attention from the community for each area: metadata structures, metadata exchange, and metadata identifiers.

@alicemeadows Let’s get the party started. What are vital areas in need of attention for metadata identifiers?

My ideas:

  1. Revenue based on services, not data. PID minting should be free and ubiquitous. PID resolution (i.e., dynamic metadata structure and exchange) is a matter of service.
  2. Living wills for PIDs via permanence/naming policies.
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Thanks @dwinston - tagging my colleague @griffey who runs the NISO Plus program :slight_smile: