Need feedback for Conference ID

DataCite and Crossref have been working with a group of publishers, researchers, and other organizations to create an identifier for conference events. The metadata specifications have been sorted out (more on that process in this FREYA blog post) and at Crossref we’ve come up with a plan to integrate the metadata and DOI registration into our metadata input schema. We need feedback before we proceed, please let us know what you think:

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Hi Patricia, just wondering if there’s any updates on this? I know you have a conferences working group and have read your April blog post. Just talking to Karin Wulf (historian and ORCID Board member) who is very interested in learning more as conferences are really important in her community. Thanks!

Hi Alice, at Crossref we are going to fold the Conference ID effort into our forthcoming schema update. We had no significant changes from the proposed implementation - we’re still in the planning phase and don’t have specific details on when Conference IDs will be available for registration, but our tech team is reviewing changes now so I’m hoping to have more info soon.

DataCite is also planning to fold this into their next update, date TBD.

I just found this thread and thought it would be a good idea to mention the ConfIDent project I am working on here and also say thank you to Patricia and the DataCite-Crossref working group. We are building on top of all your work that has been done.

I will hopefully be able to give an update about our testruns with minting DOIs (with DataCIte) for conferences here shortly.