LYROpen Fair Sessions

As the home of the US (non-government) ORCID consortium and a national DataCite consortium in the US, LYRASIS invites you to join us for a free webinar on March 24 to learn more about our PID community programs as well as our IRUS (Institutional Repository Usage Statistics) US program as part of our LYROpen Fair, a series of three webinars that explore the open infrastructure and open content programs supported by LYRASIS. Please see details below:

Session 1: Link it, Find it, Count it: Open Research Infrastructure Programs at LYRASIS

  • Thursday, March 24 at 1-2pm Eastern
  • Details and Registration (use the “Checkout as non-member of LYRASIS” option during registration process)
  • This session will cover three consortial programs designed to lower the barrier of participation for all libraries to use open research infrastructure best practices and shared standards: the ORCID US Community (for the Open Researcher & Contributor Identifier), the LYRASIS DataCite US Community (for Digital Object Identifiers - DOIs), and the IRUS US Community (for Institutional Repository Usage Statistics).

Session 2: Exploring Open Content Revenue Models

Session 3: Evaluating and Supporting Open Content Programs

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