Linking DataCite metadata to ISO 19115/19139 metadata using relatedIdentifiers

Hi everyone,
In our metadata catalog ( I would like to link the DataCite metadata about a dataset to the corresponding ISO 19115/19139 metadata by adding a dedicated “relatedIdentifiers” entry.
I could not find any official guideline about this particular case, at least not on the DataCite manual and on the web I am unable to find any guidance. It seems quite strange a complete lack of examples, as both these standards are quite common.

As the relatedMetadataScheme is uncontrolled, I am in doubt on how to provide a solid linking and Mary Hirsch (DataCite support) kindly suggested me to look at examples launching the following query*19139*

I found two examples, the first one provided by the curators of
“schemeUri”: “”,
“schemeType”: “xsd”,
“relationType”: “HasMetadata”,
“relatedIdentifier”: “”,
“relatedIdentifierType”: “URL”,
“relatedMetadataScheme”: “

And a second example from the curators of
“schemeUri”: “”,
“relationType”: “HasMetadata”,
“relatedIdentifier”: “”,
“relatedIdentifierType”: “URL”,
“relatedMetadataScheme”: “ISO19139”

Any suggestions on which is the best solution to adopt?

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Thanks for the question @mario.locati I’m hoping @KellyStathis or @lizkrz can help

Hi @mario.locati, thanks for sharing this question here!

My understanding is that relatedMetadataScheme is meant to contain the name of the schema, wheres schemeURI should contain a resolvable URI pointing to the schema. The DataCite Metadata Schema has one example of this (see the PDF linked from DataCite Schema):

<relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="DOI" relationType="HasMetadata" relatedMetadataScheme="DDI-L" schemeURI="">10.1234/567890</relatedIdentifier>

So In this case, I would recommend that the related metadata scheme be ISO 19139, following the second example.

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Thank you for answering, that was exactly the same idea I’ve got.
I really hope that a vocabulary will be introduced in the future for controlling “relatedMetadataScheme”.