Journal Article Versions Update

Of possible interest to PID Forum peeps!

Following approval by our Voting Members, we will soon be starting working on updating the 2008 Recommended Practice, NISO RP-8-2008, Journal Article Versions (JAV): Recommendations of the NISO/ALPSP JAV Technical Working Group . A NISO Working Group is being set up, and work is expected to begin in early 2021 to define a set of terms for each of the different versions of content that are published (including preprints), as well as a recommendation for whether separate DOIs should be assigned to them. The group will address lots of PID-related questions such as: Should there be a single DOI for an article, regardless of version? Different DOIs for each version? How are the identifiers connected and used? And more! As with all NISO output, the draft recommendations will be shared for public comment before publication.

There’s already been a lot of interest in the working group from the NISO membership and, if you’re interested in learning more, please contact my colleague Nettie Lagace ( Thanks!