Hi PID folks,
I’m looking for examples of current practices for citing HPC use.
A DataCite DOI (resourcetype Service) seems the best option at the moment, but I’m keen to hear other options also.
- Siobhann
Hi PID folks,
I’m looking for examples of current practices for citing HPC use.
A DataCite DOI (resourcetype Service) seems the best option at the moment, but I’m keen to hear other options also.
At the University of British Columbia, we indeed use DOIs – DataCite Commons
You can see all citations to this HPC via the events API – https://api.datacite.org/events?doi=10.14288%2Fsockeye
I have used resourceType: “Instrument” to describe our HPC system.
Happy Canada Day!
+1 for DOIs!
At Smithsonian we also use a DataCite DOI for our HPC, with resourceType: Instrument.
Citations are available through DataCite and we also list them on our HPC website.
Hi PID folk and Siobhann,
From what we have registered I will say that most people cite these things by their URL, not a DOI or an RRID. Though, I would suspect that physical objects should be cited by their own IDs as opposed to the DOI because: 1. The DOI was created for a stamped versioned document and 2. There is no Data Cite extension, that I am aware of anyway, for a physical object specification of a DOI. It would be like giving a DOI to a person, which is well…not the intended purpose.
We try with some of our journal colleagues and the Core Facility leads to get them to cite the core facility/instruments by the RRID, but I think that the most common citation is via the URL.
Here is an example of a middleware HPC platform:
CBRAIN; https://n2t.net/RRID:SCR_005513
Citation is supposed to look like this: Proper Citation: CBRAIN (RRID:SCR_005513)
Most authors just say something like “… or a preprocessing software, called Corticometry Analysis Tools (CIVET) (http:// cbrain . mcgill . ca ) … The next step”
See google scholar (we link this on the bottom of the data we pull from the open access literature, which comes back with 20 citations, only one of these is using the RRID syntax, google scholar has 93, nearly all URLs):