Help establish a new best practice: a guide to the use of persistent identifiers in the cultural heritage sector

The Dutch Digital Heritage Network is looking for experiences w.r.t. the use of persistent identifiers in the (digital) cultural heritage sector. We have been working on getting organisations to choose and implement persistent identifiers, see Now that more and more organisations have chosen and implemented persistent identifiers it is time to share use/er experiences of the organsisations (as provider and maintainer of persistent identifiers) and of their online visitors (man or machine, who use persistent identifiers to get access to information or objects). We want to collaboratively write and publish a guide to the use of persistent identifiers in the cultural heritage sector.

More information can be found if you follow the link to the blog below. Please note that content of the blog is in Dutch, because we’re specifically looking for experiences w.r.t. the use of persistent identifiers in the cultural heritage sector in the Netherlands. I have decided to post this message on this international forum, because many of you are Dutch, work in the Netherlands or may have colleagues in the Netherlands (thanks for forwarding :slight_smile: ).