Created by the FREYA project and published on Zenodo, these short guides were created to help with choosing persistent identifiers for various types of entities. While not intended to be fully comprehensive, they are designed to provide a starting point for anyone thinking about using persistent identifiers in their systems. We created guides for the following entities:
A table summarising all of the guides is also available.
Thanks for that, very interesting and good overview! Only I am missing URN as a PID for publications. I know, of course, that they’re not as universally used as DOIs, but especially since basically all electronic publications in Germany get one automatically, I think they should definitely appear as well.
I think the table for organizations contains some errors: organizations relations are not yet supported by ROR (it is planned) and both ROR and GRID metadata are public domain (CC0).
Thank you for these comments. Unfortunately as these guides were created by a project, which has almost ended, we are not able to make any major changes to the Guides in terms of their scope and coverage. We consulted widely earlier in the year and had to make some tough decisions about their content. However I was able to update the table as it was such a minor change and this is available on Zenodo now.