France announces Second National Open Science Plan with specific actions around PIDs

Yesterday the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation has released their second national open science plan, which proposes specific actions around PIDs such as:

Propose standardising the Software Heritage Identifier (SWHID) , which will complement the DOIs for software.

Promote the use of narrative CVs to reduce the importance of quantitative assessments to the benefit of qualitative ones, and experiment with a “ openness profile ” on ORCID.

Encourage researchers to adopt ORCID iDs to consolidate their digital identity and increase the visibility of their work, and propose adding data from ORCID to the research information systems to limit duplication efforts.

Participate in the governance of persistent digital identifiers (Crossref, DataCite, ORCID, ROR).

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The first National Open Science Plan can be found on Ouvrir la Science - National plan for Open Science | 4th July 2018