FAIRsFAIR Repository Support Webinars in February 2022

Hi everyone,

FAIRsFAIR is organizing Repository Support Webinars in February: FAIRsFAIR Repository Support Series Webinars | FAIRsFAIR.

FAIRsFAIR webinar series aims to help repository managers become familiar with FAIR-enabling practices. Each webinar will provide an overview of a specific FAIR-enabling activity, share information on recent developments within FAIRsFAIR and other initiatives as well as offering examples of good practice, practical tips and recommendations. Each webinar will last one hour and include time for questions and discussion.

Registration is free and open to all however the main audience is repository managers and service providers. Data stewards and developers may also find the session informative. Please join us for one or more of these upcoming sessions!

Using the DCAT (Data Catalog) vocabulary to support metadata catalogue integration Peter Winstanley, Semantic Arts and Alejandra Gonzalez Beltran, STFC
17 February 2022, 14-15 CET
Increasing the findability of data is crucial for realising a FAIR ecosystem in which shared research data can be accessed, reused, and cited. Metadata catalogues play a central role in making individual repository holdings visible to aggregator services. However, integrating metadata catalogues is hindered by a lack of common standards. This webinar will provide an overview of Data Catalogue Vocabulary (DCAT) and demonstrate its potential role in supporting catalogue integration.

Assessment framework for FAIR services
Patricia Herterich, DCC and Sara Ramezani, SURF
21 February 2022, 15-16 CET
Following a series of community workshops and a period of public consultation, FAIRsFAIR published its Framework for assessing FAIR Services in August 2021. The framework aims to help service providers assess how FAIR-enabling their current practices are and provides practical guidance on areas where improvements might be made. This webinar will introduce the framework and provide an overview of the seven FAIR-enabling aspects covered. Practical tips on applying the framework will also be provided.

Metadata exchange issues - making research data findable. Lessons learned from B2FIND Claudia Martens, Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum GmbH (DKRZ)
24 February 2022, 14-15 CET
The effective exchange of metadata is critical for supporting a FAIR data ecosystem where researchers can seamlessly search for and access research data held in multiple repositories. This becomes tricky when research data from different scientific disciplines are ingested, using a variety of standards, divergent formats, and multiple levels of granularity. During this webinar, Claudia Martens will share some practical experiences of the interdisciplinary discovery portal B2FIND relating to the findability of data. She will share their experience on what it means to make research data findable, outline some of the common problems, point to solutions that are already available, and provide some thoughts in what is a good way to move forward.

Details and registration for each is available from FAIRsFAIR Repository Support Series Webinars | FAIRsFAIR.

Are these webinars recorded?

Hi Ted,

Yes, the recordings are all accessible from the individual webinar pages along with the slides.

The list of webinars can be viewed at FAIRsFAIR Repository Support Series Webinars | FAIRsFAIR.