Hi all,
we had some discussions with repository managers here in Germany who had concerns assigning DOIs to sencondary publications in their repositories (secondary publications: e.g. articles that were first published in a traditional journal und later published in an open access (institutional) repository). Their primary concern was that the impact factor may be fragmented if an article cpould be cited with two separate DOIs. I wrote a blog article about this and am very interested in your views on this issue. Is this a common concern you heard about? How do others approach the identification of secondary publications?
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Not a response to your question, but a note that “secondary publications” is being used here in a different sense than what is traditional. Usually, secondary publications refers to publications which provide commentary or analysis of primary publications, e.g. review articles (see e.g. Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Sources | University of Minnesota Crookston)
The terminology I more usually here for the situation you are describing is “alternative copies” or “alternative versions”.