We had an excellent first community meeting earlier this week - many thanks to all who attended and shared their thoughts and feedback. If you missed it and would like to catch up, the recording can be found here and the slides are available here - feedback welcome!
Among other things, we agreed several ways for people to get more involved with the PID Forum:
- Be a PID Forum Champion - help drive strategy, outreach, and engagement
- Host a PID Forum group - encourage engagement by community, PID, language, etc
- Be a PID Forum Expert - respond to posts and questions on a specific PID or topic
- Be a PID Forum Contributor - get involved more generally
We have set up a PID Forum Champions group (for Experts too!), as a place to “meet” between meetings. It’s a private group, but anyone who’s interested in committing to playing a more active role in this way is welcome to join. You can also message or @ mention the group.
It’s been great to see the increased activity here in the past few weeks - thank you and let’s keep it up!