Why Use Persistent Identifiers?

Hi Frances,
thanks for the hints, I’ll make sure to follow them when referring/citing/quoting from your post in a forthcoming project deliverable that I’m writing.

I’m a bit disappointed that there’s no provision built in to assign e.g. a Handle to these PID Forum posts, but that is of course not unique - in fact, I don’t know of any blog site (or similar) that allows for PID:ing (or, indeed, even versioning) in a way that facilitates accurate citation & referncing. Maybe that’s the point - that social media content is to be treated as “ephemeral”, and shouldn’t really be referred to in scientific literature and the like.

But there lies a problem: so much information, views and discussion on services, resources and (new) features of these are nowadays almost exclusively disseminated in the form of blog posts, op-eds or materials made only for the web. Maybe this is because developments are going so fast that things are obsolete almost as soon as they appear, or that we are all so stressed out and lack time to compose more sustainable and better curated documents? Whatever the reasons, it is creating issues and challenges for those of us that want to highlight the “state of the art” in e.g. articles, project deliverables and similar, as reviewers, fact checkers and (academic) opponents are increasingly facing difficulties in retrieving cited information…