Guides to Choosing Persistent Identifiers - your feedback wanted!

Dear all, thank you for this guide.
I would like to suggest a few necessary add-ons to Publication identifiers.
ISSN has been used since its inception to identify proceedings, journal titles and more recently blogs.
One can easily find these various types of continuing resources on the ISSN portal easily (
ISSN is interoperable and cross-check data with CrossRef and Wikidata but also with a variety of information providers.
The ISSN portal also provides free metadata which is sufficient to identify titles. For subscribers, the ISSN portal provides reliable and up-to-date full metadata.
Access and searching are regular features of the ISSN portal for both humans and machines, thanks to our API. The ISSN Portal also provides information in linked data formats.
Moreover, all ISSN are embedded in URIs as described in ISO 3297 standard. ISSN URIs have the following syntax: This feature allows external databases to directly link to the page containing metadata.
Moreover, on the second page of the guide regarding Publication identifiers, these identifiers should be introduced in alphabetical order.

Thank you for amending this guide accordingly.
All the best,

Gaelle Bequet, ISSN IC Director